Feeling Detection
This is a live felling detection model with fined tune EfficientNetB2 model on FER-13 dataset - will be show up soon
This is a live felling detection model with fined tune EfficientNetB2 model on FER-13 dataset - will be show up soon
In This project different algorithms (Monte Carlo, QickSort, Floyd Warshall) were implemented using clusters with C programing and OpenMPI
Designed a database with necessary queries Using SQL. (Click on the image to see the design or see the repoer from the button below)
Demonstrating different aspect of computer graphic Using OpenGL and C++ programing.
This project is a directory manager that works through TCP also it works through UDP while maiantain its reliability by Selective-Repeat flow using Python language.
This is a prediction model trained with an imbalance dataset containining Chest X-ray images (460 covid cases, 1266 Healty, 3418 Pneumonia cases).
We augmented and tackled the imbalance problem witout leackage to our test dataset and developed multiple coustumes CNN models and pre trained modeled and compared them to one another using relavent metrics ( precision, recall, specificity, and F1-Score, as
well as accuracy)
We achieved accuracy
and a weighted average of 95% on the test. It is a
model that can detect Covid. We did develooped other models with
better precision but the recall is pretty high in this model which is effective at detecting Covid cases. .
In this project multiple datasets were analysed and explored with many different graphs (see an example), then trained using multiple traditional ML methods